Advancing the Value of Ethnography

Tag: education

The Climate Crisis as Learning Space

The Climate Crisis as Learning Space

It is becoming widely accepted that the climate crisis is a multiscale breakdown of interrelated ecological systems, caused by behavioural patterns that are unsustainable. As behaviours are largely informed by ideologies and as the latter are passed on by education, we submit that the climate...

Can Cheaters Prosper In Cambodia?

Can Cheaters Prosper In Cambodia?

PechaKucha Presentation This PechaKucha explores the ways in which the author navigated cheating culture, community norms, and her own biases to think through sustainable education solutions in Cambodia. Students in Cambodia's countryside are structurally disadvantaged and attempt to redress...

#GoingEthno in the Indian Bureaucracy

#GoingEthno in the Indian Bureaucracy

Case Study—Based on experience of working in the Department of School Education, Government of Haryana on a Management Information System being built to reduce administrative workload on teachers and bureaucrats, this case study describes how ethnography was used to understand and address the...

The Full Epiphany

The Full Epiphany

PechaKucha Presentation—The Full Epiphany suggests that epiphanies are the real metric for ethnographic success. An epiphany is an out of this world understanding for how humanity works. When you have an epiphany you might simultaneously feel the following: 1) believe you see something so...