Microbes That Matter
PechaKucha Presentation—While COVID-19 has made the world hyper vigilant about sanitization, I take a bottoms-up perspective on the threats of a microbe-starv...
Ethnography in Agile Contexts: Offering Speed or Spark?
EPIC2017 Platinum Panel Overview This panel explores perspectives that emerge from the intersection of ethnography and agile methodologies—from real constrain...
Tutorial: Agile for Researchers
Overview Agile is taking the design world by storm, and requiring teams—including researchers—to rethink how we communicate, plan, and act. But is it possib...
5 Things Great EPIC PechaKuchas Have in Common
If you have never been to an EPIC conference and you are considering submitting PechaKucha proposal this year, welcome! This article is for you. EPIC people lo...
Working For It: Feminist Art and Ethnography
PechaKucha—Feminist art and ethnography have something in common. We examine the everyday; are interested in activism and equality. As a practitioner of both,...
An Ethnographer Goes To Career Day
As a working mother it’s important to me that my 5 year old knows what I do. This isn’t just so that she understands where mommy goes all day. It’s...
Breaking It Down: Integrating Agile Methods and Ethnographic Praxis
Critical thinkers that we are, researchers are skeptical of buzzwords, one-size-fits all methodologies, and facile business trends. We scowl as ‘ethnography...