Critical challenges in energy transitions are social and cultural - not just technical and economic. This paper...

Critical challenges in energy transitions are social and cultural - not just technical and economic. This paper...
With the Big Data hype, making digital data accessible and relatable for non-data experts is becoming an increasing challenge. In this paper we suggest Data Physicalization as a novel approach to facilitate conversations with collaborators about the meaning of data. While this challenge has been...
Learn about new concepts and practices in the evolving intersections of ethnography and design. Overview This talk explores the role of ethnographers when collaborating with designers, and especially about how...
I don’t think I’m supposed to admit this, at least not publicly, but it’s true: talking about design drives me to drink. Not literally of course (I’m a teetotaler!), but metaphorically. Why? Because design itself isn’t really a single term, but a collection of homonyms, each of which bears some...