Advancing the Value of Ethnography

Tag: identity

Ghostly Spectres: On Ethnography and Identity

Ghostly Spectres: On Ethnography and Identity

PechaKucha Presentation Taking Avery F. Gordon's definition of a ghost as a social figure making the unknown apparent as a departure point, the piece dives into the “ghosts” silently present in an ethnography on how parents view gender in media. Through utilizing the image of an ethnographer as a...

Understanding Users: The Extensions of Expectant Systems

Understanding Users: The Extensions of Expectant Systems

This paper provides an ethnographic understanding of users in the Persian blogosphere through the framework of the carnivalesque. The repertoire of concepts provided by the carnivalesque draws attention to (1) the significance of the material, (2) the dynamic, transforming nature of things, and...

Ethnographers, Bearers of Bad News

Ethnographers, Bearers of Bad News

Ask any applied ethnographer what is the hardest thing about their work. Go ahead, just ask one. More than likely, she will exhale slowly, slump back in her chair, fix you with a steely stare and say, “I spend so little time on actual research.” Her gaze may drift away at this moment. She might...