Advancing the Value of Ethnography

Tag: strategy

Tutorial: Systems Theory in Strategic Practice

Tutorial: Systems Theory in Strategic Practice

This tutorial will help you use systems theory and mapping methods to understand and make change in the world around you. Overview This video has been edited to protect the privacy of participants in the live...

Building an Innovation Strategy from Cultural Insights

Building an Innovation Strategy from Cultural Insights

“Innovate or die"—this dictum is driving companies to build their innovation capacity, and fast. Most are turning to now-familiar practices such as Design Thinking, Lean, or Agile. But as they grow, many organizations find that they don’t see expected increases in innovation after deploying these...

Strategy as an Unfolding Network of Associations

Strategy as an Unfolding Network of Associations

Cast Study—This case explores a business strategy development project run by Stripe Partners for a London-based online healthcare company, Dr Ed. The first part lays out the details of the process: an intense four-day ethnographic research programme called the ‘Studio’ involving the Dr Ed senior...

Going with the Gut: The Case for Combining Instinct and Data

Going with the Gut: The Case for Combining Instinct and Data

"The lesson I took away from that was, while we like to speak with data around here, so many times in my career I've ended up making decisions with my gut, and I should have followed my gut," Otellini said. "My gut told me to say yes." So said the ex-CEO of Intel, ruing his decision to pass on the...

Sustainability Initiatives Succeed with Good Storytelling

Sustainability Initiatives Succeed with Good Storytelling

At the recent climate talks in Paris, 195 countries adopted a universal climate deal for the first time ever, key parts of which are legally binding. This is a stunning success and highlights how urgently the world’s nations, backed by their citizens and businesses, are seeking new ways to thrive...

Simon Roberts / A Profile

Simon Roberts / A Profile

EPIC Profiles Series Simon Roberts, a founder of Stripe Partners, is an expert at using the power of ethnography to drive strategy and innovation by continuously unveiling the 'black magic' of people's worlds. He has crafted a pioneering career, compelled by intense curiosity and key moments of...