Advancing the Value of Ethnography

Genre: Keynote

Automating Inequality

Automating Inequality

Virginia Eubanks is an Associate Professor of Political Science at the University at Albany, SUNY. Her most recent book is Automating Inequality: How High-Tech Tools Profile, Police, and Punish the Poor, which dana boyd calls “the first [book] that I’ve read that really pulls you into the world of...

The Conceit of Oracles

The Conceit of Oracles

Good morning, I am really excited to be here for my first EPIC conference. There are just so many amazing people in the audience as I look at you guys, and so many of you guys I've been following on blogs and Twitter and especially Natalie Hanson’s anthrodesign listserv. I can’t wait to talk to...

On AI Natives and the Business of AI

On AI Natives and the Business of AI

Pizza robots, pandemic trackers, altered carbon, the perfect tiktok lineup, that instagram lipstick filter, that racist sensor that filtered the victim, national citizen trackers, my deepfaked face on Okoye's body while I slay Kill Monger's men....We live in an AI world. Nascent and frivolous as...