Advancing the Value of Ethnography

Tag: inequality

Critical Jugaad

Critical Jugaad

PechaKucha—This Inquiry explains how people use ingenious making practices like Jugaad as a tool for existence, subversion and criticality against colonial powers of oppression. Jugaad like practices form cultural binders and empower people to find a collective force to fight oppression while...

Everyone’s Trash: Recycling in China

Everyone’s Trash: Recycling in China

Are we really connected to the steps and act of recycling and reuse? Is the modern American vision for recycling too clean and removed from the reality of our waste? Images are a series of observations about a single example of community, value-based recycling from Shanghai. The images challenge...

Equity & Research Operations: Generation Focus Founder Joanna Beer

Equity & Research Operations: Generation Focus Founder Joanna Beer

Generation Focus is an EPIC Equity Partner, providing direct support to EPIC Equity Council programs that advance equity and create ​collaborative ​space​s​ for our community to ​embed equity within our work. Generation Focus is also a customer research firm that provides strategic Research...

Can Cheaters Prosper In Cambodia?

Can Cheaters Prosper In Cambodia?

PechaKucha Presentation This PechaKucha explores the ways in which the author navigated cheating culture, community norms, and her own biases to think through sustainable education solutions in Cambodia. Students in Cambodia's countryside are structurally disadvantaged and attempt to redress...

Ghostly Spectres: On Ethnography and Identity

Ghostly Spectres: On Ethnography and Identity

PechaKucha Presentation Taking Avery F. Gordon's definition of a ghost as a social figure making the unknown apparent as a departure point, the piece dives into the “ghosts” silently present in an ethnography on how parents view gender in media. Through utilizing the image of an ethnographer as a...