Product teams, including those I work with, struggle to connect the challenges observed in prior research to issues that endure in the field and market space. As a shortcut for efficiency gains, product partners...

Product teams, including those I work with, struggle to connect the challenges observed in prior research to issues that endure in the field and market space. As a shortcut for efficiency gains, product partners...
This case study examines how researchers at Lenovo and dscout partnered to conduct a mobile ethnographic study on the technology experiences of individuals who are d/Deaf and hard of hearing, with the goal of...
With a strategic analysis of the push to “democratize” research—to open the research practice to...
Behind every great research session is multiple hours and weeks spent recruiting, sharing...
Overview Recruiting engaged, reliable research participants in the right target group is critical for the success of a study. This interactive tutorial teaches best practices for human-centered recruitment and...
Generation Focus is an EPIC Equity Partner, providing direct support to EPIC Equity Council programs that advance equity and create collaborative spaces for our community to embed equity within our work. Generation Focus is also a customer research firm that provides strategic Research...
With user research becoming more common within organisations, there is an emerging issue of meeting demand whilst also developing the craft of research. A new profession is emerging in response – research operations. This paper will describe the current state of publicly available frameworks for...