Advancing the Value of Ethnography

Tag: theory/practice

The Coming of Age of Hybrids: Notes on Ethnographic Praxis

The Coming of Age of Hybrids: Notes on Ethnographic Praxis

It has been nearly 15 years since Donna Haraway wrote in Simians, Cyborgs and Women that, “In so far as we know ourselves in both formal discourse and in daily practice we find ourselves to be cyborgs, hybrids, mosaics, chimeras.” While Haraway’s referent was not the community of practitioners,...

The Coming of Age of Hybrids: Notes on Ethnographic Praxis

Attaining Humanity

Thank you very much, indeed. I’m really delighted to be here and to meet this community. I hope that this will be the start of an engagement. As I think it’s sort of clear, I am a pretty academic anthropologist. That makes me a bit anxious, because I do remember going to something a bit like this...

Who We Talk about When We Talk about Users

Who We Talk about When We Talk about Users

I begin with some questions: how have the theories and methods which subtend design research been changed by their migration from academy to industry? How have they adapted to their new commercial culture? What languages and customs have they had to acquire to fit in? To address these questions, I...

Let’s Have A Conversation

Let’s Have A Conversation

As an introductory set of remarks for the theory session, this short paper sets up some issues facing both the field of ethnography applied in industry and those who undertake theoretical work in the field. The author proposes some simple dimensions for discussion: how we might consider work in...