Acting on Analytics: Accuracy, Precision, Interpretation, and Performativity
Case Study—We report on a two-year project focused on the design and development of data analytics to support the cloud services division of a global IT company....
Design & Data
What does a data expert see when they look at a design problem? This panel immerses us in the practices of two data experts, both of whom have collaborated with...
10 Years of EPIC, Part III: Jeanette Blomberg
Special Session: 10 Years of EPIC Part 1: ken anderson, Intel Part 2: Hiroshi Tamura, Re:public Inc. Part 3: Jeanette Blomberg, IBM Part 4: Simon Roberts, Stripe...
10 Years of EPIC, Part V: Panel Discussion
Special Session: 10 Years of EPIC Part 1: ken anderson, Intel Part 2: Hiroshi Tamura, Re:public Inc. Part 3: Jeanette Blomberg, IBM Part 4: Simon Roberts, Stripe...
A Seat at the Table of Social Change through Service Design
Services and access to them are related to core societal concerns such as sustainability and the role of families and communities in people’s lives, themes of...
Considering Ethnography in Various Business Settings – What Is Success?
Between Hype and Promise: Two Decades of Becoming The invitation to participate in this panel has been an occasion for a personal reflection on where we’ve...
The Coming of Age of Hybrids: Notes on Ethnographic Praxis
It has been nearly 15 years since Donna Haraway wrote in Simians, Cyborgs and Women that, “In so far as we know ourselves in both formal discourse and in daily...
Trajectories of Change in Global Enterprise Transformation
This paper reports on the efforts of a global IT services company to transform the way it delivers IT outsourcing services. The change initiative was designed to...