Entangled: On the Social and Ethical Friction of Fieldwork
This paper asks what we owe to our teams and our informants when we engage in research with and about people. Participant-observation – the defining methodology...

Anticipating Headwinds: Using “Narrative Tacking” to Build an Inclusive Future
This paper proposes a framework for addressing entrenched resistance to change. It borrows a metaphor from sailing to suggest that the best way through unwanted...

Agency and Change: Using Anthropology to Improve Organizational Change
Description The language of change is practically ubiquitous these days: from tech startups to legacy manufacturers and government agencies, organizations of every...

Organizational Culture and Change
Praxis is the bringing-to-life of a theory or philosophical position. It is the practical application of lessons learned through study and reflection. It is not...

Move Me: On Stories, Rituals, and Building Brand Communities
This paper takes on the challenge of understanding behaviour change through the lens of anthropology. In the field of market research, the goal is to find...