Advancing the Value of Ethnography

Tag: theory/practice

Techno|theory Deathmatch: “Using Theory in Research” Read-along

Techno|theory Deathmatch: “Using Theory in Research” Read-along

A new cohort of EPIC members has just embarked on "Using Theory in Research"—a foundational EPIC Course taught by Kate Sieck, PhD (Senior Manager, Machine Assisted Cognition at Toyota Research Institute). We invite you to read along! In the first of six lectures and group seminar sessions, course...

Applying Theory to Applied Ethnography

Applying Theory to Applied Ethnography

In applied ethnographic praxis, how should we use theory? Exploring how existing theory from a variety of domains has supported and advanced our work, this paper justifies and demonstrates how theory can be used in an accessible and practical manner when framing research and analyzing experience...

Organizational Culture and Change

Organizational Culture and Change

Praxis is the bringing-to-life of a theory or philosophical position. It is the practical application of lessons learned through study and reflection. It is not simply what you do, it’s why you do it. Thus as the organization that specializes in ethnographic praxis in industry, we are the...

The Future of Anthropology: EPIC/AAA Partnership

The Future of Anthropology: EPIC/AAA Partnership

“I have just seen the future of anthropology,” I said to anyone and everyone who asked me about the first EPIC (Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Conference), held in 2005 at Microsoft’s Seattle area campus. I had had a privileged vantage point, having offered to coordinate the production of the...