Advancing the Value of Ethnography

Tag: digital data

The Future Is Yours

The Future Is Yours

EPIC2018 Keynote Address We are at a crossroads of change in the world. With the rapid rise of digitized data, what’s the place for human empathy? As a long-time member of the EPIC community, I want to use my time with you today to reflect on what this all means for us. This is a moment unlike any...

Purity and Data

Purity and Data

If you follow news about digital self-tracking, you may have heard about Chris Dancy. He appears regularly in the press and has become widely known as “The Most Connected Man on Earth.” Reporters generally characterize him as the epitome of a digital self-tracking devotee, a veritable cyborg in...

Tutorial: Getting Started with Sensor Data

Tutorial: Getting Started with Sensor Data

Overview Activity trackers, instrumented environments, and other kinds of electronic monitors offer new possibilities and new challenges for ethnographic research. They provide a trace of what goes on when the...

Ethnographic Temporality: Using Time-Based Data in Product Renewal

Ethnographic Temporality: Using Time-Based Data in Product Renewal

Corporate ethnography is often targeted at renewing the life of a product. Getting customers to start using a product again – or start using it in the first place – entails a deep understanding of the rhythm of everyday life. When do customers begin to use this product? When do they stop? What...