Advancing the Value of Ethnography

Tag: narrative & story

How Asking About the Best Ice Cream Reveals Ourselves

How Asking About the Best Ice Cream Reveals Ourselves

PechaKucha—As an author of a book about ice cream around the world, I am often asked this question: What is the best ice cream? I am often stumped. I know that they want something that they don’t know from the “expert”. So when I hesitantly answer, I would give my personal favorite, one that I...

Toward Industrialization of Ethnography

Toward Industrialization of Ethnography

This paper explores a way to expand business using ethnography as an industrial service or product. First, a challenge that companies are facing and trying to deal with, which is industrialization is described. In the software industry, as computer prices go down, the requirements for software...

Move Me: On Stories, Rituals, and Building Brand Communities

Move Me: On Stories, Rituals, and Building Brand Communities

  This paper takes on the challenge of understanding behaviour change through the lens of anthropology. In the field of market research, the goal is to find the leverage points of emotional connection that will inspire a desired behaviour. But traditional approaches to research have relied on...