Advancing the Value of Ethnography

Tag: research design

Tutorial: Using Analogs to Research the Unknown

Tutorial: Using Analogs to Research the Unknown

Learn strategies to design research of inaccessible or future environments. Overview Ethnographers seek insights by studying people in their natural environments. What if the thing you are designing will not be...

Putting the ‘Social’ Back in ‘Social Science’ Research

Putting the ‘Social’ Back in ‘Social Science’ Research

Remember the days when a main challenge of the EPIC community was convincing executives that humans weren’t just rational actors all the time? Back when arguing for the value of ethnographic research, thick data, and so forth, started with getting executives to realize that there was more to...

Tutorial: Ethnographic Research Design

Tutorial: Ethnographic Research Design

Ethnography is closely associated with the core qualitative methods of interviewing and observation. But ethnographers in business often work with a broad range of other methods, from video and diary studies to...