Advancing the Value of Ethnography

Tag: management

Book Review: The Paradox of Sensemaking

Book Review: The Paradox of Sensemaking

Sensemaking: The Power of Humanities in the Age of the Algorithm Christian Madsbjerg 2017, 240 pp, Hachette Books Excerpt Christian Madsbjerg has done a huge amount to elevate the profile and impact of ethnography in corporate settings. As co-founder of ReD Associates, Madsbjerg makes a consistent...

Yes, Virginia, We “Do Ethnography” in Business Schools

Yes, Virginia, We “Do Ethnography” in Business Schools

One of the most common questions I get at EPIC is, “You do ethnography in business schools?" So ken anderson invited me to write a response to this recurring question. I’ll break the response into three topic areas: (1) the use of ethnography and its status vis-à-vis research on management; (2)...

Heroic Complexity in Strategic Innovation

Heroic Complexity in Strategic Innovation

I posit that strategic innovation – the act of carrying an idea through to execution – is an act of destruction as much, or perhaps more so, then it is an act of creation. Specifically, innovation is a violent act against an extant complex adaptive system, a system whose purpose is not only to...