Advancing the Value of Ethnography

Tag: EPIC2016

Pathmaking, Bushwhacking—Wisdom from EPIC2016

Pathmaking, Bushwhacking—Wisdom from EPIC2016

In the weeks following EPIC2016 our community has been reflecting on the inspiring presentations we heard, building on the new connections we made, and incorporating the exciting ideas and techniques we learned about into our work. (Some of us are also working off the...

Our Collective Project of Change

Our Collective Project of Change

EPIC2016 at the University of Minnesota was wonderful for all sorts of reasons—in particular, the hard work of our fabulous organizing team and the fact that our community is more diverse than ever. EPIC People are practitioners in technology, consumer product, work process and healthcare, working...

“Culture Matters More than We Think”: Eric Weiner / A Profile

“Culture Matters More than We Think”: Eric Weiner / A Profile

EPIC Profiles Series EPIC2016 Keynote Speaker Eric Weiner is a veteran foreign correspondent and New York Times best selling author. In an interconnected, technology-driven world, does culture still matter? Can there really be “best practices” to be drawn from the vast range of human experiences?...

Why EPIC Needs Ethical Guidelines and Why You Should Care

Why EPIC Needs Ethical Guidelines and Why You Should Care

"The line between good and evil is permeable and almost anyone can be induced to cross it when pressured by situational forces." —Phil Zimbardo No one reading this article conducts research with the intent to cause harm to others. It’s hard to imagine that anyone would—research is more regulated...

Working for Social Change

Working for Social Change

No matter the source of your employment, whether in the commercial sector or academia, we all want our work lives to add up to something positive. Yet it is easy to wonder how this or that project actually affected the world for better or worse. What can we do to make the next project better? How...

“Ethnography is Fundamental”: John F Sherry, Jr / A Profile

“Ethnography is Fundamental”: John F Sherry, Jr / A Profile

EPIC Profiles Series EPIC2016 Keynote Speaker John F. Sherry is the Raymond W. & Kenneth G. Herrick Professor of Marketing in the Mendoza College of Business and Professor of Anthropology at the University of Notre Dame. Join John at EPIC2016! I caught up with Dr. John F. Sherry, joint...

Ethnographer on Wall Street: Karen Ho / A Profile

Ethnographer on Wall Street: Karen Ho / A Profile

EPIC Profiles Series What do sentiments and ideologies have to do with Wall Street? Karen Ho would argue they are key for understanding and changing Wall Street’s institutional culture that generates and justifies a focus on the short-term. From working in a firm to interviewing workers and...

William O. Beeman / A Profile

William O. Beeman / A Profile

EPIC Profiles Series Strike up a conversation with EPIC2016 Conference Chair Bill Beeman and you might be treated to his deep expertise in Iranian politics or pragmatic philosophy...or theater and art history, or smart service systems in product design. He truly is a Renaissance man. Trained as a...

Organizational Culture and Change

Organizational Culture and Change

Praxis is the bringing-to-life of a theory or philosophical position. It is the practical application of lessons learned through study and reflection. It is not simply what you do, it’s why you do it. Thus as the organization that specializes in ethnographic praxis in industry, we are the...